Voting Information
Absentee Ballots
(Alternatively, scroll down for a link to apply online)
Absentee ballots are available to eligible voters during the year for any election, primary or referendum, and are available through the Town Clerk's Office.
If a registered voter is unable to vote in person on Election Day, he or she may apply to the Town Clerk for an absentee ballot for any of the following reasons:
My active service in the Armed Forces of the United States
My absence from my town of residence
My religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election, primary or referendum
My duties as a primary, election or referendum official at a polling place other than my own during all of the hours of voting
Physical Disability
The issuance of an absentee ballot is a two-step process. You may obtain an application at the Town Clerk’s Office, download one below, or apply on the new state portal if it is: for your own use, the use of a member of your immediate family, or the use of someone you designate. If you wish to distribute five (5) or more absentee ballot applications to persons, other than your immediate family, you must register with and obtain forms from the Town Clerk before distributing them. For more detailed information please see the Absentee Ballot Fact Sheet.
Application for Absentee Ballot - Each person who applies for an application must sign it with an original signature. (Parents cannot sign for their child or spouses for each other.) Hard copy with original signature must be received in the Town Clerk's office in order for your vote to count
For a Spanish Absentee Ballot Application, click Here
Online If you have a valid Connecticut Driver's License/Non-Driver ID, and, you are a registered voter, you may now apply online for an absentee ballot (use the link below). Absentee Ballots will be mailed to electors.
Online Application Portal for Absentee Ballot
(Note, the State's Online Absentee Ballot Portal is not open for the annual Town Budget Referendum)
Military personnel and persons temporarily living overseas may submit a
Federal Post Card Application to register & apply for an Absentee Ballot.
Please mail all completed applications as soon as possible to:
Town Clerk
Portland Town Hall
PO Box 71
Portland, CT 06480
After the completed application is returned to us, we will send a ballot and instructions to you as soon as State law allows, which is generally about a month prior to scheduled vote. We must receive the voted ballot back in our office by election day in order for the vote to count.
The Town Clerk is responsible for supervising and distributing these ballots. For more information, please contact the Town Clerk's Office at (860) 342-6743, or the Registrar of Voter's Office at
(860) 342-6747.
Absence or inability to vote in person does not
mean that you must forfeit your right to vote!
Absentee Ballots - Permanent
Public Act 12-57, “An Act Concerning Permanent Absentee Ballot Status for the Permanently Disabled” created permanent absentee balloting status for certain individuals and became effective January 1, 2013.
To be eligible for permanent absentee ballot status, an elector must file with the Town Clerk an absentee ballot application together with a certification from a primary care provider stating that they have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at their polling place. The primary care provider note should be on letterhead. There is no prescribed form—the primary care provider note and the absentee ballot application would satisfy the requirement of the law. Permanent absentee ballot status enables the elector to receive an absentee ballot for each election, primary, and referendum in the municipality in which they are eligible to vote. Absentee ballots are available 21 days before a Primary and 31 days before an Election.
In January of each year the Registrars of Voters will send written notice to each elector with permanent absentee ballot status to determine if the elector continues to reside at the address on the permanent absentee ballot application. If the elector fails to respond to the notice, the permanent absentee ballot status will be removed, but the elector will remain on the voter registration list.
Candidates/Campaign Info
Candidates from Major parties should check with their Party Leaders for specific information; Candidates interested in running as a Petitioning Candidate or Minor Party candidate must contact the Secretary of State's Election Division for information.
Guide for Municipal Candidates
SEEC Form 1 - The Candidate Committee Registration must be completed by every candidate.
SEEC Form 3 - The Political Committee Registration is used to form slate committees.
SEEC Form 21 - The Short Form Disclosure Statement is used when a committee has not received or expended over $1,000.
SEEC Form 20 - The Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement is used when a committee exceeds the $1,000 threshold.
Further information is available at the website of the State Elections Enforcement Commission, or by calling them at 860-256-2940 or 1-866-733-2463.