Assessor's Office
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Welcome to the Assessor's Office!
The Assessor is responsible for the discovery, listing and valuation of all taxable and non-taxable property located within the Town of Portland annually as of the October 1 Assessment Date. Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicles are assessed at 70% of fair market value and values are determined by using uniform, fair and equitable appraisal methods legally prescribed by law.
Real Estate Assessments are 70% of fair market value as of the posted assessment date or Revaluation date. Real property is assessed in Connecticut on a 5 year cycle. - Portland’s most recent date of Revaluation date is October 1, 2021. Property values have increased 11.5% on average since the prior 2016 Revaluation year.
Assessor's Post
Elderly & Totally Disabled Homeowners Tax Benefits
Filing period: February 1 through May 15
Homeowners that must renew this year will be notified by the end of January. ​
New Applicants - Please contact the Assessor's office for more information or to schedule an appointment. 860-342-6744
Click link for more information
The Board of Assessment Appeals
2024 Grand List assessment appeals for Real Estate & Personal Property are to be scheduled by appointment only on; March 18, 19, & 20, 2025, 6pm to 8pm
​An application for appeal must be with the Assessor's Office no later than Thursday, February 20, 2025 by 4:30pm
New Construction Inspections and Field Card Updates
The Assessor performs site inspection and review of all new construction in progress and open building permits for re-assessment and property field card updates as of October 1, 2024. The Assessor will contact property owner's if an interior inspection is necessary. Assessment changes are based on our revaluation, or effective date of value of 10-01-2021. The Next Portland Revaluation is scheduled for October 1, 2026.
To request and Inspection; Upon completion, the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, or questions or discrepancy within your assessment data, please contact the Assessor (860) 342-6744 (or email) to review and set up an inspection at your convenience.