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Clean Energy

Clean Energy (n.)
1. A source of usable heat or power not subject to price spikes or fuel depletion (see renewable, sustainable). 2. 100% Domestic. 3. An energy system that produces no greenhouse gases or other pollution.

The Portland Clean Energy Task Force strives to provide the Town and its residents with options to save money and reduce harmful emissions through energy efficiency programs, and how to go about installing clean energy systems on their homes or businesses.

Click Here for a history of clean energy in Portland.

Questions? Contact Portland Clean Energy Task Force Chair Andy Bauer

Energy Efficiency & Solar Options

Incentives to Go Clean & Green!

February 21, 2023

(Please note that programs and incentives change frequently)

Compiled by the Portland Clean Energy Task Force - Updated December 2023

Please note that this list is intended as a guide towards programs designed to save on energy costs.  Due diligence is a must, so research carefully and be aware that programs change frequently!


Home Energy Solutions (HES) visit is currently $50.  This is a fast, cheap way to reduce your energy bill.  The income eligible (HES IE) is free to low income households.  Additional incentives become available upon HES completion, and these can amount annually to several hundred dollars. Programs are here for United Illuminating customers, and here for Eversource.  An HES visit also creates a Home Energy Score that summarizes how energy efficient your home is.


Solar. For purchasing solar, the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program explains the current compensation available to all CT residents. The IRA increased the Federal Income Tax Credit on residential solar to 30% for 2023-33 installations.  Additional incentives are available to low income (60% of CT average income) residents, and residents living in a CT Distressed Municipality.  Here is a link discussing Purchasing vs. Leasing Solar.  Please read all agreements carefully!

Alternative Energy Suppliers

All CT ratepayers have the option to buy electricity from suppliers other than Eversource and United Illuminating, usually at a lower price. As with any purchase, please read the terms carefully.  A list can be found at Energize CT


Home Energy Storage (Batteries).  Rebates for purchasing residential energy storage can be found at Energy Storage SolutionsEversource, and UI, and further incentives are available for allowing them to draw from your batteries during certain high demand periods.  Both utilities have energy storage programs for commercial users.


Electric Vehicle Incentives. A thorough compilation of incentives for EVs and EV Chargers by the EV Club of CT.  There are federal and state EV purchase incentives, which are evolving with rule-making and implementation. There are incentives from Eversource and United Illuminating to offset the equipment and installation costs of an EV charger and pay you for allowing them to reduce your charging speed during certain high demand periods.


Energy Assistance Programs. Compiled by PACE, an excellent compilation of programs designed to assist households in need.


I Heart My Home CT. One on One Home Energy Counseling from Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven.  Open to all CT residents.


Smart-E Loans for Energy Upgrades.  CTGreenBank loans cover many upgrades for Heating & Cooling, Water Heaters, Insulation, Windows, Solar, Battery Storage, EV Chargers, Asbestos & Mold Removal, Energy Star Appliances, Roof prep for solar, and Tree Removal for Solar.


Rebates for Energy Upgrades. Commercial, Residential, and Multifamily buildings can receive rebates for some energy upgrades through  An HES visit may be required.


CPACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy).  CPACE is a financing mechanism for energy efficiency, renewable energy, or other related projects.  Repayments are made via an assessment on the property tax bill.


Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Rewiring America has fact sheets explaining IRA incentives.  PACE also has an IRA information page which is updated as programs are developed.

Solar on Valley View School!

Energized in 2008, the 10 Kw solar array on the Valley View School annually generates approximately $2000 which offsets a part of the school's electricity bill.

Solar on Brownstone Intermediate School!

Energized in 2023, the 70 Kw solar array on the BIS is annually generating approximately $12,000 used to offset a part of that school's electricity bill.

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