Mental Health Services offered through Portland Youth Services Counseling & Resource Center
The Town of Portland provides counseling services to children & adolescents (ages 5 to 18), adults,
families and couples through the Youth Services department. The Portland Youth Services
Counseling and Resource Center office is conveniently located in the Buck Foreman Community
Center at 265 Main St. With 25 years of experience, Chris Napolitano MS, LMFT offers therapeutic
services for a wide array of the complex emotional and psychological issues facing today’s youth and families.

Issues often addressed in counseling with school age children include:
Mood issues including depression, low motivation and low interestï‚·
Anxiety issues including social fears/phobias and chronic worry
Adjustment issues including peer acceptance & social rejection- “fitting in”
Self-esteem/self-image issues including self-worth & self-acceptance
Family issues such as divorce, family conflict, acting out behaviors, sibling rivalry
Substance abuse issues including alcohol and/or drug use/abuse/experimentation
Self-harm & a self-destructive behavior issues including cutting and self-picking
Conduct issues including truancy, theft, fighting & other inappropriate school behavior
ï‚· Impulse control issues including anger management and emotional outbursts
ï‚· Attention issues including poor focus and attention, poor task completion, distractibility
General unhappiness, unease, feeling of restlessness in relation to self and others
ï‚· Grief counseling and crisis intervention

For routine counseling referrals, please contact Chris Napolitano MS, LMFT by phone at (860) 342-
6716 or email at chrisnapolitano@yahoo.com or Courtney Fitzkee by phone at (860) 342-6758 or
email at cfitzkee@portlandct.org.
For urgent referrals or crisis intervention, you may contact Mr. Napolitano by cell phone at (860)
578-6236. Counseling appointments are available Monday-Friday with flexible scheduling including
after work/ evening hours. *Note: Youth Services Director Ms. Fitzkee will be out on maternity leave
beginning and returning