Fire Department Info
Apparatus Fleet
Our Apparatus fleet consist of 3 Emergency Medical Services Flag Cars, 1 Ladder Truck, 3 Fire Engines, 1 Tanker, 1 UTV,1 ATV, 3 fire boats, 1 Brush Truck & 1 repurposed rescue truck for our dive team and Fire Police that cover the Town of Portland.

2018: Dale Benoit, Jr.
Salvatore Pitruzello Achievement Award
2016: Michael Leary
2015: Fire Marshall Ray Sajdak
2014: Deputy Chief Andrew Goff
2013: Chief Robert Shea
2012: Past Chief Robert Petzold
2011: Tom Sienkiewicz
2010: Marc Sweeney
2008: Ed Salvatore
2007: Cliff Robinson
2006: Raymond Pont
2005: Robert N. 'Skip' Oakliff
Fire Explorer Program
If you are between the ages of 14-17 and want to learn about the fire service up close then consider joining our department's fire explorer program that is managed by the Boy Scouts of America. This program allows young students to learn and perform supervised training in the Fire Service with our fire department.
Contact: Richard Harmon
Phone: 860-639-1287 or Email: Bozofd393@gmail.com
Company 1 has one fundraiser:
They have their monthly Pancake Breakfast. The Pancake breakfast runs October to April and it is the first Sunday of the month from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Company 1 Fire Station. It serves all you can eat Pancakes (blueberry, chocolate chip, or regular), Sausage, and Drinks.
Company 2 makes delicious French Fries for the Portland and Durham Fairs every year.
Company 3 has a Flower Sale yearly for Mothers Day.
How to Join
If you are interested in joining the Portland Volunteer Fire Department please contact Chief Bob Shea at 860.342.6750 or e-mail him at rshea@portlandct.org. The Portland Fire Department meets every Tuesday evening from 19:00 to 21:00 hours for either a drill or meeting. If you would like to speak to the Chief or hand in an application please do so on Tuesday evening, his office is located at Co. #1 Fire House.
Fire Department Application Form
Fire Department Auxillary Application Form
Assistant Chief of Training: Nick DeJohn
EMS Training: Tom Sienkiewicz and Tom Michaelewski
Training is every Tuesday night at 19:00 hours. Each company holds it's own drill, there are quarterly department drills which are posted on the information board in each company.