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Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1959 to 30 April 1975. The war was fought between the communist North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other member nations of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization(SEATO).

Remembering Those Who Served

Killed in Action
Ferguson, Peter C
O'Brien, Clyde H.

Died in Service
Muskatallo, Norman

Adams, W. Carter
Anderson, Dean E.
Anderson, Lloyd
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, William E.
Arena, Anthony
Arico, Anthony T.
Bagadinski, Richard
Bailey, Joseph
Bajorek, Anthony
Barrett, Peter
Barring, William
Barrows, William B.
Bastura, Kenneth
Bates, Peter
Bengston, Paul
Berggren, Fredrick
Berube, Gilman
Binezewski, Thomas
Binnington, Gerald I. Jr.
Blanchard, Craig
Bonaiuto, Paul
Bortz, Paul
Bougor, Randolph

Brown, Dean K.
Buckland, Donald
Buckley, Michael F.
Burke, Kathleen Gahan
Burr, Dennis R.
Buttram, Cornell
Buttram, Fredric D.
Buttram, Robert F.
Cambria, Guy
Campbell, Joann
Cannata, Joseph
Cannata, Michael
Carile, Paul
Chapman, Timothy J.
Clark, Donald
Clark, Edward
Coen, Paul
Conroy, David E.
Cook, Charles
Coolong, Michael
Cordone, Nick
Corriera, John
Corriera, Ron
Crouch, Stephen B.
Csere, William
Curtin, John
Cyrulik, Edward Jr.
Darna, Robert M.
Darrow, William A. Jr.

Dayton, Jonathan
Dean, Arthur
Deluca, Frank
Duszak, Robert J.
Duszak, Staley M.
Dyer, Robert
Emmons, George A.
Errhardt, Kenneth
Esposito, Patrick
Fazzino, James
Fazzino, Paul
Fitzsimmons, James B.
Flood, John F.
Flood, Timothy
Flynn, Patrick

Fox, Joseph R.
France, Raymond
Frazier, Douglas R.
Freeburg, Charles N.
Gaiser, Gerhard
Gastler, Hal
Gawlak, Niel
Geato, Lambert
Genovesio, Robert
George, David
Gibbons, Thomas

Gildersleeve, Philip Jr.

Gildersleeve, William

Gilman, Kenneth J.
Gilman, Norman

Glass, Gary

Glinski, Mary E.
Goff, Robert
Goglia, Thomas
Goodell, Richard J.

Goodrich, Douglas W.

Goodrich, Edward

Goodrich, Robert
Goodrich, Susan M.

Gorman, C. Daniel
Gotta, James
Granstrand, Richard
Groeper, Dean

Grzegorowicz, Edmund M.
Guilmette, Randall
Gulielmetti, John
Gustafson, Eric F. Jr.
Halberg, Randall
Hale, Jeffery
Hale, Perry
Halstead, James
Harper, Edward
Hartig, William T.
Hedges, William
Hetzel, John W. Jr.
Hilton, Bruce
Hoadley, Henry
Hoadley, Spencer
Hodge, Peter F.
Holland, John
Holmes, Dale
Hout, Donald
Hunter, William

Jackson, David C.
Johnson, Philip N.

Johnson, Roland
Johnson, Scott A.

Johnson, Theodore L.

Jones, Philip

Joslyn, Douglas
Joslyn, Garfield
Kalinowski, Edward L.
Kalinowski, Laurence C.
Kean, Donald
King, Walter
Kosis, Bruce
Labbadia, Joseph
Lambrinides, Lambros
Lane, Richard
Langlois, David
Larson, James E.
Larson, John
Larson, William H.
Lastrina, Joseph
Long, Edward F. JR.
Lucas, Joseph
Snyder, Joseph R.
Spalding, David H.
Swanson. George H. Jr.
Joslyn, Richards
Lucas, Peter
Luckhardt, Brian
MacFarland, Michael
Maynard, James
McBrien, Albert T.

McDonald, Robert C.

McDonald, Robert E. II
McElwain, Robert

McGill, Howard
McGrath, John
McMeken, John W.

Mifflin, Charles Sr.
Milardo, Michael
Miller, Harold J.
Mintzer, Robert
Moquin, Raymond
Morneau, Paul
Mount, Terry

Nadeau, John E.

Nanfito, Ronald M.
Nolan, Brien
Nolan, William
Nordquist, Harold
Nursick, Edward J. Jr.
Nursick, Robert
Nursick, Stanley
Nursick, Thomas A.
Opuszynski, Stephen G.
Organiek, Ronald C.
Organek, William
Pease, James D.
Pease, Milton E. Jr.
Pease, Stephen C.
Penkes, Gary
Pianka, John
Pianka, Peter
Pianka, Richard
Popalardo, Dario
Powers, David
Pozzetti, Anthony
Pozzi, Robert J. Sr.
Prete, Bruce D.
Raffele, John J.

Rau, Christiopher I.

Rau, W. James Jr.

Rice, Gary

Richards, W. James

Richards, William A.

Richter, Ken W.

Richter, Ken W.
Rizzo, Rosario

Rizzo, Salvatore

Roane, David
Robida, Fredrick

Rogalsky, Michael A.
Rosano, Frank
Rudolph, Thomas J.
Ruffino, John C.
Rustek, Jeffery
Rutty, Kim
Rutty, Timothy
Rypysc, John
Sadlowski, Frank
Saflicki, John A.
Sajek, Stanley A.
Salamone, Joseph
Salinsky, Edward
Sanborn, Gary M.
Sanstrom, Robert
Sauermann, William
Sbona, Emanuel
Scheer, Charles R.
Scheer, George E. Jr.
Schmidt, Roger
Schultz, Leonard
Sciacca, John
Scrivo, Wayne
Shaw, Richard
Siena, James
Siena, John
Siena, Michael
Sitkiewicz, John J. Jr.
Slimowicz, Charles, J. Jr.
Smith, Gertrude M.
Smith, John C.
Smith, Steven D.
Smith, Thomas R.
Smithwick, Gary
Soboleski, John W.
Sogan, Donald
Sogan, Robert E.
Sokolowski, Gregory
Sonntag, Richard
Spear, Jack
Spencer, Myron
Stranger, Frederick
Stelmack, Peter
Stemmler, Barbara
Shelberg, Richard H.
Nanfito, Joseph J. Sr.
Nanfito, Philip J. Sr.
McGowan, John Jr.

Stemmler, Jay
Stevens, Donald
Stewart, Alan J.
Strubell, Richard
Sullivan, James
Sundell, David R.
Sundell, Peter F.
Tallman, Lester
Tallman, Lucius
Taylor, Philip S.
Thibodeau, Raymond
Thompson, Warren
Tine, Ted
Tobler, William
Traskos, Stanley J. Jr.
Trebbe, Charles
Triblets, Richard
Trudel, Theoddore
Uguccioni, Robert
Unikewicz, Stanley
Vacca, James A.
Violissi, Theoddore J.
Virchow, Kenneth
Wassell, Gary J.
Waters, Earl
Watkins, Robert P.
Wells, William E.
Wendling, Charles
Wilson, John G.
Wilson, Peter S.
Winner, Peter
Woltmann, Thomas
Woronoff, Bruce R.
Woronoff, Kenneth J.
Yeaw, Gary
Zarolinski, Joseph
Zenzic, Robert

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